Release the Hounds closed the 34th edition of Tanztage at Sophiensæle as its final act on 24 and 25 January. A solo by Adam Russell-Jones, this performance takes on the dance marathon as space for an erupting body in crisis.
Continue reading “Dancing Full on Empty”
Alice Heyward
Self-Portrait with Eggshells
Continue reading “Self-Portrait with Eggshells”No More Eggs for Breakfast, made and performed by Dalia Velandia, is about eggs. Her graduation work from the Solo Dance and Authorship (SODA) Master program at Hochschulübergreifendes Zentrum Tanz was presented at Uferstudios on 13 and 14 December 2024.
pro re nata
Continue reading “pro re nata”Ania Nowak’s Obelix Nutrix ruminates on nursing (its histories and realities) as a performance of the art and science of caring. It premiered at Salzburger Kunstverein and ran at Sophiensæle from 29 to 31 November 2024.
Radial Refraction, Reverberating Resonance
Continue reading “Radial Refraction, Reverberating Resonance”The 18th edition of POOL – MOVEMENT ART FILM Festival Berlin at DOCK 11 (16–19 October) featured a tribute event to the intermedia icon Phill Niblock and three evenings of nine short dance films by international artists.
Matrixial Continuum
Sonya Levin’s PASTPARTUM on 7 September at Kleine Orangerie explores pregnancy to ask how we constantly consume and are consumed by our own production in cycles of self-reconstruction.Continue reading “Matrixial Continuum”
Air Castle
The five-hour DREAM (2022) by Alessandro Sciarroni at St. Elisabeth Kirche (visitors can come and go) in Tanz im August (24–25 August), while relaxing, lacks tension and falls short of the potential of an embodied ‘dream’.
Continue reading “Air Castle”
Through Ariel Ashbel’s characteristic aesthetic that exposes the mechanics of the theatrical apparatus, Fiddler! A Musical unites the tender beauty and complexities of different storytellings, traditions, and approaches to faith.Continue reading “LEAH KATZ”
One’s last is another’s first
Last Dance | And for the time being by Ian Kaler and Stéphane Peeps Moun (19–21 July 2024, Uferstudio 14) joins two solos that sculpt time through physical movement—text and dance interact as staged material, producing subtle relationships between human and non-human subjects.Continue reading “One’s last is another’s first”
The Centre is Everywhere, the Circumference is Nowhere
LATE, premiering on 22 and 23 June at Studio Storkower Straße 115, directed by Juli Reinartz, takes the figure and format of a ball (dance) as a landscape for coexistence and change, exploring crip time as simultaneous multiplicity for bodies sharing space.Continue reading “The Centre is Everywhere, the Circumference is Nowhere”
In der Luft, by Tatiana Mejía and Kareth Schaffer, was previewed on 18 June at TANZKOMPLIZEN in Podewil and will premiere on 27 September. This fun, educational, and imaginative dance work brings the attention of audiences six years of age and over to the mixture of many gases and tiny dust particles all around us: air.Continue reading “Ausatmen”
Beyond the joy of the evident
Staatsballett Berlin performs three groundbreaking works by William Forsythe, who remounted them with the company’s dancers. The evening offers a lively encounter with ballet as a process to decipher by dancers and audience alike. Premiering at Deutsche Oper on 16 February 2024, it also shows between 19–23 February, 4–14 March, and 1–9 April.
Continue reading “Beyond the joy of the evident”
Ground Control
Continue reading “Ground Control”Melanie Jame Wolf’s performance More Ballads of Outlaw Feelings on 3 February 2024, as part of her expansive exhibition The Creep at E-WERK Luckenwalde from 21 October 2023 – 10 February 2024, offers a vivid characterisation of the way power patterns become, seemingly, inevitable.
blue is something of an ecstatic accident produced by void and fire
Continue reading “blue is something of an ecstatic accident produced by void and fire”This resting, patience by Ewa Dziarnowska, presented from 3-6 pm on 13 and 14 January at Sophiensæle in the frame of Tanztage Berlin 2024, is an emotional passage of bodily tension rising, rupturing, releasing and regenerating through cycles of feeling as dancing.
Loose Trade
Continue reading “Loose Trade”MIKE (2023) by Dana Michel, presented across three afternoons from 1 to 3 December 2023 by the Berliner Festspiele at Martin-Gropius-Bau, creates a sensitive, tolerant and humorous space for contemplations and questions about how bodies are put to work.