Continue reading “Still Bursts, Frills, and a Mating Call”“Oiseau” from Berlin-Paris company La Cage undertakes a detailed movement examination of birds, under the direction of Aliénor Dauchez and viewed at Kultur Büro Elisabeth in Berlin-Mitte on 26 February 2023.
Tag: Jette Büchsenschütz (EN)
Earth. Water. Fire. Red moon. – “The same way I miss nothing I miss everything.”
TANZTAGE BERLIN 2023 >>> Artist Slina da Soledade aka Slim Soledad and her guests premiered their new work on 14 January 2023 at the Sophiensæle.
Two texts by Diana Schümann and Elina Pantsyr
Continue reading “Earth. Water. Fire. Red moon. – “The same way I miss nothing I miss everything.””“Ahhhhhhhh……..”
Continue reading ““Ahhhhhhhh……..””TANZTAGE BERLIN 2023 >>> Marga Alfeirão and collaborators’ premiere “Lounge”, the second performance on opening night of Tanztage Berlin at Sophiensæle on 5 January 2023, blurs the lines between self and other in an erotic exploration of resting.