LATE, premiering on 22 and 23 June at Studio Storkower Straße 115, directed by Juli Reinartz, takes the figure and format of a ball (dance) as a landscape for coexistence and change, exploring crip time as simultaneous multiplicity for bodies sharing space.Continue reading “The Centre is Everywhere, the Circumference is Nowhere”
Tag: Ariane Hassan Pour-Razavi (EN)
Hearing Your Skin: soundance festival is Back in Town!
Continue reading “Hearing Your Skin: soundance festival is Back in Town!”From 11 to 27 June soundance festival Berlin is submerging our senses with an interlacing of digitally presented dance and music works, physically experienced video installations, fully breathed open air performances, as well as a programme of talks and lectures. Led by artistic director Jenny Haack at DOCK 11, the Zionskirche Church, and the garden of EDEN Studios, the 2021 festival edition presents 66 artists in 16 pieces and six dance film videos. The latter can be enjoyed both as a walk-in screening at DOCK 11 and as online streams. With this attractive combination of formats, dance and music works are (slowly) coming back as a physical part of the city’s texture to celebrate the beginning of the Berlin summer!