For All Intents and Purposes… I’m Somebody, SOMEBODY! by the RAYNE&CEREMONY collective celebrated its premiere on January 22, during the Tanztage 2025 festival in the Sophiensæle Kantine.
Continue reading “No Time, No Time”
Maxie Liebschner
studied theatre, media and literature studies at the University of Bayreuth. She then moved to Berlin to complete a Master's degree in Dance Studies at the Free University of Berlin. During a semester abroad at Stockholm University in Sweden, she began researching ecological similarities between choreographies and landscapes. She investigates movement in different spaces and combines literature with theatre, theatre with film and film with dance. How do we move through this world and what moves us? She has already written about dance in the taz and on
Thoughts on Dissonance
Continue reading “Thoughts on Dissonance”EIGENTLICH ABER (ACTUALLY HOWEVER) by Frl. Wunder AG & DieOrdnungDerDinge celebrated its premiere on 28 November 2024 at the FELD Theater für junges Publikum.